“Well-being changes as we move through life, which is why a child’s version of it cannot be the same as an old person’s. So what is the common factor that never changes as we age?
The answer is self-awareness. When you have any experience, your mind is in one of three states: unconscious, aware, and self-aware. The first state leaves health — and well-being generally — to chance. … Posing questions, reflecting on your behavior, looking at the larger picture, taking your life seriously — these are all self-aware behaviors.
via Deepak Chopra on HuffingtonPost: “The Real Secret to Staying Healthy for Life (Part 3)“
Of society and pathology
- “What Really Caused the Eurozone Crisis?” (Part 1) in The Street Light via @umairh
“I’ve been doing some work on gaining a better understanding of the root causes of eurozone (EZ) debt crisis.”
- “Pretty Much Everyone Is Fat” at Wired Science
“[O]besity prevalence ranged from 20.7% in Colorado to 34.9% in Mississippi in 2011. No state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. 39 states had a prevalence of 25% or more; 12 of these states had a prevalence of 30% or more” –Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Building a civil economy” at openDemocracy.net
Game theory or gift society? The narcissistic vision of the homo oeconomicus has failed to acknowledge long-documented evidence of the primacy of cooperation. In this Friday essay, Adrian Pabst explores the liberating potential of an anthropologically informed economics for the age of austerity.
- “Global Warming and the Meaning of Doom” by Deepak Chopra (HuffPost)
“Alarming data and warnings about climate change have been with us for twenty years. The issue has morphed into something like a low-level toothache. The public is numbed by all the bad news, and in place of sensible solutions, we witness the folly of political polarization. You can’t believe in climate change and be a good conservative. This departure from fact-based reality is only part of the problem.”
- Can Having Too Much Stuff Stress You Out?” via @Etsy
according to their findings, the average family is drowning in clutter. ”What we have is a time capsule of America,” says Jeanne E. Arnold, lead author and anthropologist for the research team. “No other study has been done like this.” Photographs in the book reveal garages filled to the ceiling with boxes, old toys, lawn equipment and housewares. In fact, the researchers found that 75% of the houses surveyed had garages so chock-full of stuff, there was no room for a car.”
- “A Friendly Debate with a Conservative Colleague About Climate” from Legal Planet: Environmental Law and Policy
“My friend and colleague Steve Bainbridge is out with a new article on “Corporate Lawyers as Gatekeepers,” which, if you are interested in corporate law, you should read (Steve is one of the country’s most distinguished scholars in the field). But what piqued my interest when he sent it to me was his offhand remark that he is sending it out electronically to’reduce my carbon footprint.'”
- “Infrastructure: Coming apart at the seams” (Economist.com) via @TimOReilly
“Obviously, this society has the resources to keep its roads and bridges in good repair. In fact, it has an oversupply of manpower and equipment to do so, much of which is currently sitting around idle due to the depressed economy. We can presume that homeowners and taxpayers in this region want to have their bridges and roads back in the reasonably decent shape they were in ten years ago, so they can drive on them without knocking their wheels out of alignment. So why aren’t they fixing them?”
- “Creating a World Worth Inheriting” via Peak Prosperity
“… just another way of saying that very big changes are coming our way. In fact, they are here already.
The simple conclusion is that we must either change our habits and ways on our own terms — or on Nature’s. We face a future that will be shaped either by disaster or design.”
Tech articles 14AUG2012
- “Community-Centered Design” by The Community Manager
- Creating Advanced, Contextual Layouts in WordPress with Conditional Custom Fields at Speckyboy Design Magazine
see MyWebSiteAdvisor.com (@MyWebSiteAdvisor)
Pol stuff 14AUG2012
- Robert Reich: “The Ryan Choice” (HuffPost)
- InterOccupy | Connect. Collaborate. Organize. – “Welcome to InterOccupy, where the Occupy movement connects, collaborates, and organizes! Get the inside scoop on what is happening in the movement with our newswire and newslette”. see also:
Various 14AUG2012
- “Ayn Rand Nation: The Hidden Struggle for America’s Soul” by Gary Weiss (Google Books)
“Thirty years after her death in March 1982, Ayn Rand’s ideas have never been more important. Unfettered capitalism, unregulated business, bare-bones government providing no social services, glorification of selfishness, disdain for Judeo-Christian morality—these are the tenets of Rand’s harsh philosophy.”
- “Community-Centered Design” by The Community Manager
- “Open access in research: catch up on the debate” in the “Higher Education Network” blog at guardian.co.uk
“The UK recently unveiled its proposal to make all publicly funded research open access. We round up some of the main views on the controversial plans here.”
Various tech posts
- #OpenAccess “Reproducible science FAIL (so far): What’s stoppin people from sharing data and code?” in Andrew Gelman “Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science” via @LiberTIC
“What’s getting in the way of sharing data and code? From my perspective, I really do see the benefits of sharing but in practice the costs seem to be too high.”
- “Why the future of the cloud is open” from RedHat “WhitePapers”
- Switched WordPress Comments to Disqus Comments
- Circle Hover Effects with CSS” via Transitions | Codrops – A tutorial about how to create different interesting hover effects on circles with CSS transitions and 3D rotations.
- Ask Slashdot: “How To Run a Small Business With Open Source Software?”
- from TechRepublic blog:
- “How In-App Commerce Drives App Store Success – Business Insider” at BII REPORT
- Free Keynote Mockup Templates for iPhone, iPad, Android, … – Keynotopia.
- Dec Center at PubNub “Cloud Based Applications – Real-Time App Development”
- “Unleash your Chromebox: How to dual-boot Ubuntu Linux on your Chrome OS device”
- Quick Guide: How To Enjoy eBooks Without A Tablet Or An eReader
Articles from GovTech.com
- Virtual Systems, Real Responsiveness: State and Local Governments Boost Service by Virtualizing Mission-Critical Applications
- Data Mining Techniques Must Adapt With Web 2.0
- Web Tool Ignites Wildfire Preparedness Efforts
- Inside a State-of-the-Art County Operations Center
- Report: Government Pursues the Cloud Without Knowledge
- 5 Hidden Dangers of Cloud Computing
- Google Unveils Plans for Fiberhoods
- Favorite Survival Tips for Using Social Media
- Six Tips for Becoming an Olympic-Winning CIO
- Social Media Advice for Government Agencies from a City CIO
- Virtual Systems, Real Responsiveness: State and Local Governments Boost Service by Virtualizing Mission-Critical Applications
Also there, see Public CIO articles
Another publication by e.republic is Emergency Management.
Game networking and other stuff
Cycling stuff
- ERC Rowing Video Blog
- at TrainingPeaks:
- Public activity viewer
- Training with Power on a Mountain Bike: Part 1: The Questions and Pt 2: The Breakthrough
- Bike Route Toaster
- Cycling Manager Online
- How do you ‘Build your route’?” at Cycle Chat Cycling Forums
- Edmonton Bicycle Commuters
- StackExchange – Bicycles
- StackExchange – Hill climbing at a given cadence?
- The Sport Factory For Peak Performance
- Going Uphill Fast
- Bike Calculator
- Bike Collective Network Wiki
- Traditional Thread-on Freewheels
- Wheelbuilding
- J LEVY | BikeTechArticles | Chain-Suck : Its causes and mechanisms, How to avoid, prevent, and remedy
- Wheel Bearing adjustment by Jobst Brandt
- Cassettes from Harris Cyclery
- Derailer Adjustment
- Cables
- The Re~Cycle DIY bicycle Trailer | Re~Cycle
- EZ Clone DRAWINGS – Recycled Recumbents!
- The Bamboo bicycle trailer
- DIY bike trailers and load carrying bikes
- XnTRICK Cycles
- MozBike: Small Shopping Trailer
- Free advice on how to fix your bicycle: Big Homebuilt El Cheapo Bicycle Cargo Trailer
- DIY recumbent bikes
- Bicycle Resources
Google Street View material
- “Google Street View Made Easy” at Charles Marshall
- Share Google Street Scripts as Hyperlinks” at Solid Code
- “wForth Street View Studio” – ‘wForth’ is a JavaScript based Forth interpreter.
- Touring – Google Earth API at — Google Developers